Learning to Pray

Prayer is the experience of talking with and listening to God. Like all relationships there are many different ways in which yours can grow and develop.

The Divine Office

The Divine Office is one way to nurturing that relationship. All priests and the majority of religious communities pray the Divine Office, which is a series of prayers timed throughout the day. The beauty of this kind of prayer is its universality. As a person or community is praying evening prayer here in the UK, somewhere else a person or a community could be praying morning, midday or night prayer. It is a tangible reminder that at all times, the Church prays. The Divine Office can be found on the universalis app, but also here.

However, for some people other styles of prayer work well. Equally, you may have had a style that has worked well for a long time, but now is not working so well. Why not try something new? Below are some resources that may help you.

Ways into Prayer

To explore other ways into prayer, why not check out the resource of the same name, produced by the Archdiocese of Southwark’s Spirituality Commission.